The 90s

7th Heaven

7th Heaven was a weekly family television series that was on the air from 1996-2007. The show follows the Camden family throughout their daily lives as they manage the drama and responsibilities that come with raising a family of seven children.

The father and patriarch, Reverend Eric Camden (Stephen Collins) is a Protestant Minister and his wife, Annie (Catherine Hicks), is a stay-at-home Mom. They live in the fictional town of Glen Oaks, California with their seven children: Matt (Barry Watson), Mary (Jessica Biel), Lucy (Beverley Mitchell), Simon (David Gallagher), Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) and the twins, David (Lorenzo Brino) and Sam (Nikolas Brino).

The topic of dating and romance are generally a central theme in each episode. Additionally, in each episode, a moral issue or controversial topic is brought to the forefront and the cast must resolve this issue by the end of the episode. This is a way that 7th Heaven was able to resonate with all ages. Some examples of these issues that are presented include: drug abuse, alcoholism, sex, abstinence, bullying, racism, puberty, robbery, sexual harassment, spousal abuse, teenage pregnancy.

The show brings to light the idea that right and wrong is not so black and white and resolving issues takes compromise, communication, and determination. In one episode each member of the family develops an addiction, one of which was Ruthie’s addiction to gum. It served to highlight that issues such as addiction are not confined to drugs and alcohol but can come in many shapes and forms. The family all had to experience some form of an addiction to bring the issue to light.

Because 7th Heaven was so well liked and many different age groups could relate to the content it became the longest running family drama in television history and also the longest running series ever aired on The WB.


Eric Camden (Stephen Collins)

Annie Camden (Catherine Hicks)

Matt (Barry Watson)

Mary Camden (Jessica Biel)

Lucy Camden (Beverley Mitchell)

Simon Camden (David Gallagher)

Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman)

David Camden (Lorenzo Brino)

Sam Camden (Nikolas Brino)

Happy as Happy The Dog



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