Cars The 90s

Dodge Viper

The Dodge Viper was a car built for warriors. It was fast. Oh so fast. Debatably too fast, even. Car and Driver Magazine likened driving the Dodge Viper to playing “ping pong with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat”. One could extrapolate that they meant it was excessive.

The first generation Viper’s most well known feature was its modified engine, which weighed an intimidating 711 pounds. The Viper used a V10 engine, which was widely believed to be only suitable for trucks, and had to be modified to fit into the comically smaller vehicle.

The Viper was designed by Tom Gale in 1990 and went into distribution from 1992-1995, before it was redesigned. Dodge chose to name the car “Viper” due to the model’s long, snakelike chassis and retractable, venomous fangs. It did come with an optional air conditioner until 1994 as it was considered not to be “for those types”.

The modern line of this fine vehicle is called the SRT Viper. It still comes in brutally bright colors and maintains no regard for human life.

0-100 Miles per Hour in 9.2 seconds
Modified V10 Engine
Removable Soft Top for Indoor Storage
A/C Added (After 1994)
No Anti-Lock Breaks


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