The 90s Toys & Games


Skip-It is a children’s toy manufactured by Tiger Electronics and was invented by Mel Kennedy and Avi Arad. It was originally designed in the 1980s with a plastic hoop that would go over the child’s ankle that was connected to a weighted ball at the end and was connected by a plastic cord. The point of the toy was to skip over the cord as the ball went 360 degrees around the child.

In the 90s, Skip-It was brought back and it was called by the CEO “Skip-It Renaissance”. The newer version had an electronic ticker on the ball that would count how many times a child would swing it around. It also included accessories such as stickers, glitter, designs and other decorations so they could be customizable as well as display a colorful show when they were whipped around.

Time magazine actually included Skip-It on its 100 greatest toys of all time list. There has even been a spinoff toy that combined it with Twister called Twister Rave Skip-It that released in 2013.

1980s-Skip-It, non-electronic
1990s-“Skip-It Renaissance,” electronic
2013-“Twister Rave Skip-It,” electronic



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