Food & Drink The 90s


Kraft Foods first introduced Lunchables in the U.S. in 1988. Lunchables were created as a marketing strategy for Oscar Mayer to try to sell more bologna meat. Bob Drane was the mastermind behind the creation of Lunchables, trying to help mothers save time on packing kids lunches.

There are currently over 26 different combinations that are available, including crackers, pizzas, hot dogs, subs, wraps, and plenty more. They even partner with other drink companies such as Capri Sun and Kool-Aid to add to the mini lunch boxes.

Although Lunchables are a huge time saver and fun to eat, they were accused of having high saturated fat and sodium content in 1997. This is an issue considering they are aimed at children, considering the lunches to be ‘healthy’.

Since this accusation they have made more options available to consumers, including fruit juice as the drink and adding yogurt. In 2007, eight Lunchable products were considered ‘Sensible Solution’ products.

Lunchables with Smoothies
Lunchables with Fruits
Lunchables Uploaded
Lunchables with Juice
Lunchables without Drink




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