Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese manga series created by Kazuki Takahashi (Studio Dice). The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime television series aired in 1998 and is based on chapters 1-59 of the manga series. The show is produced by Toei Animation and Bandai and is about gaming and this theme is the central concept behind the plot. The show is about a boy named Yugi Mutou and his adventures solving problems through his various games. Yugi Mutou ends up in this gambling personality, or rather a gambling alter-ego, when he solves the ancient Millennium Puzzle. It is in this transformation he is able to break away from his timid personality, which often made him the subject of bullying. (The name “Yu Gi Oh” actually means “King of Games).
From this television series, other anime series were produced along with a Yu-Hi-Oh! movie and card game (Duel Monsters). The show became serialized in Shueisha‘s Weekly Shōnen Jump from September 30, 1996 to March 8, 2004. Other manga series (comics and/or cartoons originally published in Japan) were produced for Yu-Hi-Oh! or were created as spin-offs.
The show was such a success Yu-Gi-Oh! turned into a huge franchise, with many spin-offs shows, figurines, games, card games, movies, and even books were produced from this one show. It is still popular to this day.
Yugi Mutou: the series’ main character voiced by Megumi Ogata
Katsuya Jonouchi: Yugi’s friend voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa
Hiroto Honda: Voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu
Anzu Mazaki: Voiced by Yumi Kakazu
Miho Nosaka: Voiced by Yukana Nogami
Seto Kaiba: President of Kaiba Corp. and the producer of the games. Voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa
Shadi: voiced by Kaneto Shiozawa
Mokuba Kaiba: Seto’s younger brother voiced by Katsue Miwa
Ryo Bakura: wears the Millennium ring and voiced by Tsutomu Kashiwakura
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