Baywatch is an action drama series about the lives of lifeguards who worked at a beach in Los Angeles, California. The show premiered in 1989 on the NBC network. In centers around veteran lifeguard Mitch Buchannon (David Hasselhoff) who leads a team of young lifeguards on a popular crowded beach in southern California. The young life guards engage in relationships with each other all the while saving people from drowning, shark attacks, earthquakes, and other beach related dangers. The show became famous for its montages of the lifeguards, mostly female, running on the beach towards the water to make a rescue. In 1999 because of high production costs producers planned to move Baywatch to Australia creating a new series Baywatch Down Under. Local government council in New South Wales forbid production from shooting in the area citing “potential damage to a fragile ecosystem” as one of their complaints. The series was then moved to Hawaii under the circumstance that it would feature a local Hawaiian leading cast with the new title “Baywatch Hawaii”. After 44 episodes were filmed over the course of two seasons the show ended in 2001.
Baywatch cemented the careers of many newcomers of the 1990’s. Pamela Anderson who played C.J. Parker and Carmen Electra who played Lani McKenzie became two of the most popular faces associated with Baywatch. Reports have recently surfaced that a Baywatch film is currently in pre-production being written as a comedy and directed by Jeremy Garelick.
David Hasselhoff
Parker Stevenson
Nicole Eggert
David Charvet
Pamela Anderson
Yasmine Bleeth
Billy Warlock
Gregory Alan Williams
Brooke Burns
Carmen Electra
Via:Daily Blast From the Past
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