Full House is a television sitcom series based in San Francisco, California. The show centers around a father, Danny Tanner (Bob Saget), who’s wife has passed away, and requires the help of his brother-in-law Jesse Katspolis (John Stamos) and his best friend Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) to help raise his 3 daughters – D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle. Full House began on September 22nd, 1987 on ABC, and went off-air on May 23rd, 1995. In total Full House had 8 seasons and 192 episodes.
Danny Tanner plays a news reporter, who’s wife died in a car accident by a drunk driver, and must now (with the help of his 2 friends) raise his 3 daughters in his San Francisco home. Overtime, the children and three men begin strong bonds and kinship’s with each other! In season 2, Danny Tanner becomes the anchor of the popular new morning show, Wake Up, San Francisco…where he co-hosts with Becky Donaldson by Lori Loughlin, who later marries Jesse and they have 2 twin boys, Nicky and Alex.
Apart from having an All-Star cast with John Stamos, Bob Saget and Dave Coulier, there were many other memorable stars that helped make the show as popular as it was, and still is today! The odest daughter D.J. was played by Candace Cameron and her best friend the quirky Kimmy Gibbler was played by Andrea Barber. The middle child, Stephanie was played by Jodie Sweetin and the youngest child Michelle Tanner was played by the infamous twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
Bob Saget
John Stamos
Dave Coulier
Candace Cameron
Jodie Sweetin
Mary-Kate Olsen
Ashley Olsen
Lori Loughlin
Andrea Barber
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