Hey Dude is an American sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon from 1989 to 1991, but continued to show reruns until 1999. It was a Western comedy about a bunch of teens on a fictional dude ranch called “Bar None Dude Ranch” near Tucson. It was only Nickelodeon’s second live action television series.
The show focused on the owner of the ranch Benjamin Ernst (David Brisbin) his teenage son Buddy (Josh Tygiel), a female ranch hand Lucy (Debra Kalman), and four teenage summer employees: Ted (David Lascher), Danny (Joe Torres), Brad (Kelly Brown), and Melody (Christine Taylor). Later in the show, there were two new additions, Ernst’s nephew Jake (Jonathan Galkin) and Lucy’s ex-boyfriend’s son Kyle (Geoffrey Coy).
There was a total of 65 episodes in the five seasons the show lasted. It was aimed towards teenagers and obviously made an impact since reruns kept airing throughout the 90s. Seasons one through four are even available for download on iTunes!
David Brisbin
Josh Tygiel
Debra Kalman
David Lascher
Joe Torres
Kelly Brown
Christine Taylor
Jonathan Galkin
Geoffrey Coy
Featured image via http://djrossstar.buzznet.com